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Fidel Castro


Fidel Castro vu par Ced Vernay
90 x 100


Mosaïc: Rodrigo Santoro, Steeve Mc Queen, Fidel castro, Ayrton Senna, Pedro Almodovar, Hugo Chavez, Paulo Coelho, Audrey Tautou, Francis Bacon, Piaf, Charly Parker, Diana, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards
Portraits: John Malkovich, Le Corbusier, John Steinbeck, Clint Eastwood, Iggy Pop, Picasso, Ed Harris, Madonna,  Serge Gainsbourg, Roberto Begnini, Pedro Almodovar, George Clooney, John Malkovich
Xposure: City, dock, metro, japan, ambulance, cargo...


Le Corbusier


Le Corbusier
Huile sur toile
100 x 90



Mosaïc: Rodrigo Santoro, Steeve Mc Queen, Fidel castro, Ayrton Senna, Pedro Almodovar, Hugo Chavez, Paulo Coelho, Audrey Tautou, Francis Bacon, Piaf, Charly Parker, Diana, Mick Jagger, Keith richards
Portraits: John Malkovich, Le Corbusier, John Steinbeck, Clint Eastwood, Iggy Pop, Picasso, Ed Harris, Madonna,  Serge Gainsbourg, Roberto Begnini, Pedro Almodovar, George Clooney, John Malkovich
Xposure:  City, dock, metro, japan, ambulance, cargo...